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Acid sludge treatment: challenges and solutions (VIDEO!)

Section: News

Acid sludge are toxic liquid residues contained unsaturated hydrocarbons, sulfuric acid, water and some other components. This tar generates during oil refining by the addition of concentrated sulfuric acids. Acid tar is mostly stored in open lagoons that caused a serious pollution problem to the soil and ground water, posed potentially great risk to humans and environment. Million tons of acid tar are deposited on-site at the point of manufacture or in wasteland close to the point of production.

Acid sludge has a very variable composition between sites and even within one deposit. High concentration of sulfuric acid in acid tar (up to 70%) leads to rapid corrosion of the equipment and makes it difficult to obtain high-quality product. Acid tar treatment at the pyrolysis plant TDP-2  includes waste neutralizing at an early stage, so the corrosion of the equipment is completely eliminated. The plant is capable to obtain a conditioned product from the acid sludge of any composition, including sulfuric acid content. It is designed to extract hydrocarbon component from acid sludge in the form of commercial-grade fuel oil.

The storage of the acid sludge on site leads to huge, often irreparable damage to the environment and the environmental fines.

Pyrolysis plant TDP-2 is capable to resolve the acid tar lagoons challenge once for all:

TDP-2 plant passed through the series of pilot runs by the orders of petrochemical companies. The process outputs were fuel oil, synthetic gas and dry residue that met international quality standards and could be used for the other purposes.